Data Science at work.
You want to make more data-driven decisions?
We are your partner for Data Aggregation and Data Insights.
Scorifyer is our free consumer product,
that guides the product search on classified ad platforms (eBay Kleinanzeigen) and provides the user with real-time price evaluations.
Tailored IT solutions for your business
We have extensive knowledge in the following areas:
- Data Analytics
- Data Aggregation Infrastructure
- IoT Networks
- Blockchain Services
- High-Availability Cluster
- Fintech Software-Services
- Deep Learning Systems
We are also happy to provide you with the full System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from planning to maintenance.
We have aroused your interest?
Contact us!

Example: Data Insights for Classified Ads
Whether you’re interested in a new apartment, a used car, or a new camera, we’ll watch the prices on eBay Classifieds for you and show you the most lucrative deals!
No more long searches for the best offer!
Our Products
With the Chrome Extension Scorifyer you gain a quick overview of the offers on eBay Classifieds.
With just a few clicks to your dream apartment or your dream car!

Business customers welcome!
You are not interested in buying products, but are a salesperson?
You don’t want to lose valuable time in your daily business and want to learn how to offer your products more successfully?
Since our main goal is to actively promote market transparency, you will also benefit from our offers. We already have some products on offer to support you in your selling activities on eBay Classifieds.